Sunday, October 30, 2016


I must admit, the controller fire has knocked some of the wind out of my sails on the Electric Fiero Project. The panel meters were finally working and the plan was to install the third module before the Drive Electric Day at Easton Town Center in Columbus, OH. 

Currently the Better Place battery modules are listed on Craig's List and I am considering several options to power the Fiero. 


The Warp 9 needs a major rebuild and honestly, I was never quite satisfied with a DC motor that did not have any regen capabilities, so am strongly considering the HPEVS AC51 and Curtis 1239-8501 controller. The motor would be a direct bolt-on replacement and it's shorter dimension would allow for easier installation into the motor cradle. Also the efficiency would go from the 78% of the Warp 9 to 88% for the AC motor.



If the Better Place modules do not sell for a profit, I will keep them but if I can make a reasonable profit, will sell them and go with CALB LiFePo4 batteries.  This would allow me to get more cells in the back of the car and be able to arrange them so the cradle could be dropped without removing the batteries first. 

Hopefully work on reassembling the Fiero can begin this spring.